Alcoholism: Guy Debord I Berlin
Guy Debord i Berlin
Filed under: Alcoholism
Berlin har en av mina absoluta favoriter bland bokhandlar. Den heter St.Georges, säljer engelska böcker och urvalet är fantastiskt. Rekommenderas! Köpte fyra böcker där vid mitt senaste besök i veckan. En av dom var Guy Debords Panegyric Volumes 1 & 2. Det är något tvångsmässigt över att jag måste k …
Emotion recollected in tempestousness
Filed under: Alcoholism
Mary Ure, with Richard Burton, in the film version of Look Back in Anger. An excellent, modern BBC TV version, starring Kenneth Branagh, is available on YouTube. I am currently reading the autobiography of the playwright, John Osborne, and I came across a good and pleasantly concise description of t …
Adivasi Women: Situation and Struggles
Filed under: Alcoholism
Volume 7, No. 7, August-September-October, 2006 Adivasi Women: Situation and Struggles { The tribal question is becoming more and more intense in the country. Severely affected by the policies of the pro-imperialist, pro-comprador, pro-feudal Government tribals are on the warpath in various parts of …
The Facts About Alcohol Abuse In Teenagers
Filed under: Alcoholism
Alcohol abuse is a growing problem among teenagers and young people around the world. Many teenagers as young as 14 start drinking due to peer pressure or our of rebellion to their parents or society. Sadly, in many instances the first ‘starter’ drinks leads to a repeat pattern of behavior of drinki …
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