Alcoholic Behaviors: What's Happening Today in the North Valley
Alcoholic Behaviors in the News
What's happening today in the north valley
Filed under: alcoholic behaviors
Alcoholics Anonymous: Chico Central — 6:30 a.m., noon, 5:30 p.m., 7 p.m. 1102 Mangrove Ave., Chico; Mom's Alcoholics Anonymous — Noon, 5:30 and 8 p.m. 2109 Esplanade, Suite 110, Chico. Meet times, locations or to talk to recovering alcoholic, 342 …
The Best Cure for Obesity? Personal Responsibility
Filed under: alcoholic behaviors
The AMA's deeming alcoholism a disease in 1956 has encouraged some alcoholics to embrace Alcoholics Anonymous' total abstinence and to recite at meetings, “I am an alcoholic,” not “I was.” For alcoholism is apparently not something you get rid of but …
Physicians call for tax hike on tobacco, alcoholic beverages; new tax on …
Filed under: alcoholic behaviors
The physicians contend that much of overall health depends on behavior and is relatively independent of the health care system. Risk factors for many common and chronic diseases are directly linked to tobacco smoking, drinking alcohol, eating too much …
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