Public Record: Chillicothe Municipal Court

Drugs And Alcohol Abuse Facts in the News

Public record: Chillicothe Municipal Court
Filed under: drugs and alcohol abuse facts

Possessing drug abuse instruments — Ryan Hatfield, 27, of 957 England Hollow Road, guilty, fined $ 200 and court costs, sentenced to one-year probation and one day in Ross County Jail, ordered to complete alcohol and substance abuse counseling, driver …


Uhuru Wants All Foreign Drug Dealers Kicked Out
Filed under: drugs and alcohol abuse facts

Speaking yesterday at the second National Conference on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, which was held at Moi International Sports Centre Kasarani, Uhuru urged the public to use locally available resources to fight the scourge. Drugs and alcohol abuse is …


Health: Bath salts an ever-increasing problem
Filed under: drugs and alcohol abuse facts

The Franklin County Agency for Substance Abuse Policy (ASAP) met June 13 to discuss newly emerging drugs including bath salts. Bluegrass Prevention … One of the scary facts is that the chemicals in bath salts are unknown. It is generally believed …


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