Alcoholism: Scientists Will Fight Alcoholism Using Memory Wipe – the Future of Things

Scientists will Fight Alcoholism Using Memory Wipe – The Future of Things
Filed under: Alcoholism


Scientists will Fight Alcoholism Using Memory Wipe
The Future of Things
Researchers from the Tel Aviv University in Israel and the University of California at San Francisco demonstrated a potential new way to treat alcoholism by selectively erasing or manipulating memories.
Brain switch may prevent alcohol relapseABC Local
Rat-faced no more: Israeli scientists get rats off boozeHaaretz
Addiction Relapse Might Be Thwarted By Turning Off Brain TriggerUCSF News Services
Jerusalem Post
all 7 news articles »



Paul O. “Acceptance is the Answer” AA Speakers 12-Step “Alcoholism Recovery”

This is Dr. Paul. GREAT AA speaker! He is the author of “Acceptance is the Answer” in the Big Book. (Formerly known as “Doctor, Alcoholic, Addict”) From Silk…


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