Signs of Heart Attacks: Lack of Sleep Worsens Heart Disease, Boosts Heart Attack Risk by Contributing

Signs Of Heart Attacks in the News

Lack of sleep worsens heart disease, boosts heart attack risk by contributing
Filed under: signs of heart attacks

The research team followed 626 men and women with coronary heart disease for five years. The average age of the women was 64, and men 66. Inflammation in the body was tracked by measuring levels of three biomarkers: interleukin-6, C-reactive protein …


How to help someone having a heart attack
Filed under: signs of heart attacks

What to do if you're having a heart attack or stroke. “With heart attack and stroke — which we call a brain attack — it's important people recognize the signs and symptoms and call 911 or go to the closest emergency department,” says Chow. Avoid …


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