Alcohol Abuse Self Help: Dose Anyone Have Some Suggestions?

Question by jamie m: Dose Anyone have some suggestions?
Okay, so I’ve been depressed and suicidal since I was about 9 years old. And through out my life I’ve tried many different ways, serval times to end my life. But apparently I’ve got a guardian angle.. That wont let me die.

I am a committed cutter. I’ve been through every form of abuse in my Life that you can think of. And for as long as I can remember I’ve Always thought about jumping out a moving car. But these thoughts only come when I’m a Passenger in a moving car. I think about it probably 7 times out of 10. I just think about it. I don’t actually make any moves or progressions to do it. And about 3.5 years ago I had an aunt/ cousin of mine actually jump out of a moving car. It’s a complicated story. But I feel like this is taking over my life. I constantly think about death, cutting, drinking tell I get poisoned and sometimes even hanging my self. But like I said I feel like it’s taking over my life. Dose anyone have any suggestions?? Besides “get help,” ” take meds.” (which I already do, do) ETC.

Best answer:

Answer by Bay of plenty
Be positive. Life is not mills and boons.

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