Blood Clots in Stool and Liquid Coming From My Breast?
Question by Jessica: Blood clots in stool and liquid coming from my breast?
Last few days i have noticed blood clots from my stool and urine. Both my breast been having sharp pains, and i have a discharge on my left breast a dark, yellowish liquid(almost like a slimmy texture). Ive been having sharp, almost stabbing pain on both of my sides, more on my right! Does anyone know what these “symptoms” are caused from? I really want to know anything that could be wrong before i go to the doctors, so i wont be to shocked when he comes in with the results!
Best answer:
Answer by Anama
IF this is a real posting….
Any of those symptoms should get you scurrying to your doctor. Why are you on the computer and not heading towards the office.We can not physically examine you or give you any testing, so the best place you can be is in your doctor’s office, get off the computer and give your doc a call.
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Can diabetes cause fatigue, body ache?
Filed under: what causes symptoms
The things that cause type 2 diabetes (also called adult onset diabetes), such as a weight problem and lack of exercise, are commonly the cause these symptoms. Fatigue incorporates three components: 1. The inability to initiate activity. 2. Reduced …
Cold Sores: Symptoms, Treatments and Prevention
Filed under: what causes symptoms
Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) is the most common virus that causes cold sores and is usually acquired through direct contact with infected lesions or body fluids such as saliva. In the United States, 31.1% of children ages 6 to 13 have tested …
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