Stress Signs Symptoms: Seeking Mental Health Is Only Logical

Stress Signs Symptoms in the News

Seeking mental health is only logical
Filed under: stress signs symptoms

So why is it that when people notice the same symptoms of increased fatigue, persistent headaches, or an abnormally fast heart rate but suspect that it's psychological, they often avoid seeking help? There is a problem and a counsellor, … Researchers …


PTSD: To hell and back
Filed under: stress signs symptoms

In the confusion between sleep and full consciousness, the garden-waterer nearly kills himself getting out of my front yard. All I can think of is how tired I'm going to be tomorrow after this sleepwalking episode. I have post-traumatic stress disorder …


Don't panic over your anxious child
Filed under: stress signs symptoms

When parents help children to escape from feared situations, anxiety symptoms may worsen and children frequently become more impaired, says Stephen Whiteside, a pediatric psychologist at the Mayo Clinic, which runs the program. "Kids who avoid fearful …


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