Healthnotes: Week of June 10

Alcoholism And Disease in the News

Healthnotes: Week of June 10
Filed under: alcoholism and disease

For adult patients, family members and friends who are coping with a diagnose of leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, and Hodgkin's Disease, first Tuesday of every month, 4-5:30, St. V's Elizabeth M. Pfriem SWIM Center for Cancer Care, Level 3 Medical …


Police ID Fatal Crash Victim; Charge Driver With DUI, Death Resulting
Filed under: alcoholism and disease

According to police, Kalen of 99 Peck Ave., Bristol, had an aroma of alcohol coming from his breath. He was asked to submit to a chemical test at Newport Hospital, which he allegedly refused. Kalen was charged with driving under the influence (DUI …


Newman Ferrarra LLP | NOT TIME TO DRINK
Filed under: alcoholism and disease

Adolescents who drink heavily are more likely to continue drinking heavily as adults, which can lead to certain types of cancers, liver disease, pancreatic illness, and stroke.6; Life-expectancy. Between 2001 and 2005, at least 4,700 U.S. youth under …


Public health focused on fighting obesity, alcoholism
Filed under: alcoholism and disease

She notes that most of the targeted concerns, especially alcoholism and obesity, are not unique to Chippewa County and Public Health can look at successful initiatives started in other communities to combat the issues. For obesity, Public Health has …


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