Parents Reminded to Watch for Signs of Underage Drug, Alcohol Use
Alcohol Abuse With Teenagers in the News
Parents reminded to watch for signs of underage drug, alcohol use
Filed under: alcohol abuse with teenagers
Prescription drug abuse is not only a national epidemic, but also a local problem with serious consequences. Often when teens use prescription drugs to get high they also combine it with other substances such as alcohol. These combinations can be fatal.
White girls more likely to become problem drinkers than black girls, Yale …
Filed under: alcohol abuse with teenagers
“What we found is that there's no shared environmental effects” in African-American teens who abuse alcohol, Sartor said. “Family environment is not playing a role in problem drinking.” For black girls who drink heavily, genetics and individual …
How to talk to your teen about drug and alcohol use
Filed under: alcohol abuse with teenagers
As the season of proms, graduation and parties kicks into high gear, parents should be talking regularly with their teenage children about alcohol, drugs and safety, says Dr. Karen Leslie, director of the substance abuse program at The Hospital for …
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