Suffer Alcohol Abuse: Veterans Treatment Court a Success, Lawmakers Told
Suffer Alcohol Abuse in the News
Veterans Treatment Court a success, lawmakers told
Filed under: suffer alcohol abuse
Many veterans suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury or other mental illnesses and sometimes self-medicate with drugs and alcohol, Holton said. “Combining mental illness with drugs and alcohol is like adding gasoline to fire …
Students suffer from depression, anxiety
Filed under: suffer alcohol abuse
Each year, 20 percent of undergraduate and graduate students utilize the counseling services offered at Dick's House to address adjustment issues, anxiety, depression, eating disorders and substance abuse, according to Heather Earle, associate director …
ANN ARBOR: Ele's Place names new managing director
Filed under: suffer alcohol abuse
“My siblings' grief manifested itself in eating disorders, drugs and alcohol abuse, and criminal behavior,” Cramer said. “They are finally doing well now, but … No child should have to needlessly suffer like my brothers and sister. Ele's Place, a …
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