National Institute on Alcohol Abuse: The Claim That the Incidence of Rape Resulting in Pregnancy Is 'Very Low'
National Institute On Alcohol Abuse in the News
The claim that the incidence of rape resulting in pregnancy is 'very low'
Filed under: national institute on alcohol abuse
… rate of pregnancy. The most widely cited study of this question (embedded below) was published in 1996 by the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, which determined a national rape-related pregnancy rate of 5.0 percent per rape among …
Underage Drinking Laws on Campus
Filed under: national institute on alcohol abuse
It is no secret that alcohol use is prevalent on college campuses. According to the National Institute On Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, eighty percent of college kids drink alcohol, and over fifty percent of them have partaken in binge drinking in the …
Woman, 36, bears child of 11-year-old boy
Filed under: national institute on alcohol abuse
Mr Clearwater said the psychological impact would expose the boy to added risk of alcohol and drug abuse, relationship problems, anger and other mental health issues. The executive director of Rape Prevention Education, Dr Kim McGregor, said male …
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