Alcohol Abuse Teenagers: Heroin's Insidious Hold
Alcohol Abuse Teenagers in the News
Heroin's insidious hold
Filed under: alcohol abuse teenagers
The typical order of progression from tobacco to alcohol to drugs has been prevalent in our society, especially with teenagers, for decades. … That was a classical case of treating the symptom instead of getting at the root problem, which is drug abuse.
Coalition talks tough about teens, alcohol
Filed under: alcohol abuse teenagers
Not always, says Susan Nicholas, executive director of the Garden City Community Coalition for the Prevention of Substance Abuse. “Surveys show that in Garden City, most young people who drink get their alcohol from family and friends,” Nicholas said.
Shame of Scotland's rape dens
Filed under: alcohol abuse teenagers
In some cases, teenage boys have also been groomed and abused by older rapists in this sickening manner. The full horrifying scale of the … It is easy for older people to make alcohol and drugs available and invite lots of youngsters there. "There …
Don’t let Alcohol Drive your Decisions
VASAP’s Public Information video for 2011.
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