Drug and Alcohol Abuse on the Rise – Moonee Valley Weekly
Drug and alcohol abuse on the rise – Moonee Valley Weekly
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
Drug and alcohol abuse on the rise
Moonee Valley Weekly Legal and illegal drugs accounted for 620 ambulance call-outs in Moonee Valley last year, with alcohol alone accounting for 221 ambulance attendances, rising from 162 in 2010–11. The statistics were revealed in a report released by Turning Point … Drug call-outs swamp ambos |
Adolescents’ first drink tied to alcohol-related problems in adulthood – Healio
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
![]() Daily Mail |
Adolescents' first drink tied to alcohol-related problems in adulthood
Healio Adolescents who have their first drink during puberty are more likely to develop frequent drinking habits later in life, results from a new study show. “Common thinking in alcohol research was that the earlier adolescents begin, the more deleterious … People who have their first taste of alcohol during puberty are more likely to … |
If They Try to Make You Go to Rehab, Say No, No, No – TakePart
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
![]() TakePart |
If They Try to Make You Go to Rehab, Say No, No, No
TakePart Earlier this year, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcohol (NIAAA) reported on several hopeful findings that, in their words, “challenge past perceptions of the nature, course, and outcome of alcoholism.” What does that mean, exactly? Among … |
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