Zen in the Art of Street Photography

Zen in the Art of Street Photography
Filed under: Alcoholism

Photograph by Rinzi Ruiz (All photographs in this article provided by Rinzi Ruiz) My good friend Nicholas Susatyo recently recommended a book to me: “ Zen in the Art of Archery.” In-fact, it was the book that Henri Cartier-Bresson said had the deepest influence in his photography. I have been meanin


Asocian el abuso de alcohol y tabaco con el envejecimiento del cerebro
Filed under: Alcoholism

Las personas que buscan tratamiento para la dependencia del alcohol y fuman actualmente muestran más problemas en la memoria, la capacidad de pensar de manera rápida y eficiente y las habilidades de resolución de problemas que los que no fuman, efectos que parecen exacerbarse con la edad, según los


Personal Information And Facts Pertaining to Alcohol Rehabilitation in Los Angeles
Filed under: Alcoholism

Alcoholism is actually one of most typical condition we hear from the news, all of L . A . rumours, our area and in some cases our families because of the fact that it spreads similar to flu. It\’s a sad story for a lot of families however alcohol rehabs are usually places where the sad stories can


A Writer’s “Revenge Edits” on Wikipedia
Filed under: Alcoholism

We know that technology has both enriched and invaded many parts of our lives; it has affected the world of literature as well. I don’t just mean e-readers and online publishing; I just read a fascinating article, titled “Revenge, Ego, and the Corruption of Wikipedia,” by Andrew Leonard in Salon (5/


KTN Perspective : Alcoholism

KTN Perspective Episode 1 Watch KTN Streaming LIVE from Kenya 24/7 on http://www.ktnkenya.tv Follow us on http://www.twitter.com/ktnkenya Like us on http://w…


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