Zen in the Art of Street Photography
Zen in the Art of Street Photography
Filed under: Alcoholism
Photograph by Rinzi Ruiz (All photographs in this article provided by Rinzi Ruiz) My good friend Nicholas Susatyo recently recommended a book to me: “ Zen in the Art of Archery.” In-fact, it was the book that Henri Cartier-Bresson said had the deepest influence in his photography. I have been meanin …
Asocian el abuso de alcohol y tabaco con el envejecimiento del cerebro
Filed under: Alcoholism
Las personas que buscan tratamiento para la dependencia del alcohol y fuman actualmente muestran más problemas en la memoria, la capacidad de pensar de manera rápida y eficiente y las habilidades de resolución de problemas que los que no fuman, efectos que parecen exacerbarse con la edad, según los …
Personal Information And Facts Pertaining to Alcohol Rehabilitation in Los Angeles
Filed under: Alcoholism
Alcoholism is actually one of most typical condition we hear from the news, all of L . A . rumours, our area and in some cases our families because of the fact that it spreads similar to flu. It\’s a sad story for a lot of families however alcohol rehabs are usually places where the sad stories can …
A Writer’s “Revenge Edits” on Wikipedia
Filed under: Alcoholism
We know that technology has both enriched and invaded many parts of our lives; it has affected the world of literature as well. I don’t just mean e-readers and online publishing; I just read a fascinating article, titled “Revenge, Ego, and the Corruption of Wikipedia,” by Andrew Leonard in Salon (5/ …
KTN Perspective : Alcoholism
KTN Perspective Episode 1 Watch KTN Streaming LIVE from Kenya 24/7 on http://www.ktnkenya.tv Follow us on http://www.twitter.com/ktnkenya Like us on http://w…
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