Dr. Peter Coleman on Alcohol Detox

Dr. Peter Coleman on Alcohol Detox

Dr. Peter Coleman, National Medical Director and founder of The Coleman Institute, discusses the benefits of The Coleman Institute’s outpatient program for a…


Digital detox: UK doc treats kids as young as 4 for technology 'addiction'
Filed under: alcohol detox symptoms

Digital detox clinic. He said the symptoms were comparable to those experienced by an alcoholic or heroin addict going through withdrawal. In 2010, Graham set up the Technology Addiction Service at Capio Nightingale Clinic in London, offering a 28-day …


Canadian parents concerned about kids' reliance on technology
Filed under: alcohol detox symptoms

When he is away from his “drug of choice” – the Xbox – Borhot said he suffers from anxiety and shows physical symptoms of withdrawal, including chewing his fingernails and fidgeting. “I have lost my child to the TV and Xbox,” Borhot told Global News …


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