Esther Cepeda: Accommodation Nation
Info On Alcoholism in the News
Esther Cepeda: Accommodation nation
Filed under: info on alcoholism
Because alcoholism is recognized as a disability under the ADA, the ex-officer claims he shouldn't have been dismissed even though he had not sought treatment for the disease before the incident. One of his lawyers told The Associated Press: “Just as …
Student athlete finds support in gender change – USA Today
Filed under: info on alcoholism
"Possibly drug addiction or alcoholism or suicide of some sort. Taylor is a very strong individual." Early indications. From an early age, Taylor Edelmann questioned his body. He remembers asking his mother, as a 4-year-old while taking a bath with his …
Source Calendar –
Filed under: info on alcoholism
The event raises money and awareness for individuals and families in need on Long Island. Thomas S. Gulotta, former Nassau County Executive, will join attendees in celebrating the work of the organization. Call 516-822-3132 for more information.
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