Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers: Scrutiny of Scottsdale Residential Treatment Center Grows as More Teens Run Away

Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers in the News

Scrutiny of Scottsdale residential treatment center grows as more teens run away
Filed under: alcohol abuse treatment centers

A 14-year-old girl took drugs and had sex with a stranger after walking away last month from a Scottsdale residential treatment center whose problems with runaways had been documented in an Arizona Republic report. The middle-school student's family …


Into Action Alcohol & Drug Treatment Center Visits the South Palm Beach
Filed under: alcohol abuse treatment centers

Into Action Treatment 1-855-933-6732. Lake Worth, Florida (PRWEB) May 05, 2013. Into Action Treatment Center celebrates recovery from drug and alcohol addiction at the South Palm Beach County Intergroup Sunday, May 5, 2013 29th Anniversary Picnic.


Rx abuse leading heroin use, treatment needed
Filed under: alcohol abuse treatment centers

The pull of opiates — both legal and illegal — is so strong that Orman Hall, director of the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services, predicts that, within a couple of years, there will be more Ohioans in addiction treatment for heroin …


Treatment Programs for Substance Abuse | Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers Treatment Programs for Substance Abuse concentrate on drug and alcohol abuse by utilizing counseling, clean and sob…


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