Alcohol Alcoholism: Alcoholics Anonymous | February 27 | DonInLondon | Step 2 “Sanity” |
Alcoholics Anonymous | February 27 | DonInLondon | Step 2 “Sanity” |
These videos are about living sober and not made for profit or personal gain. Email me | [email protected] | Music | “music for ai…
Beer, Gatorade and Dopamine: How the alcoholic brain works
Filed under: alcohol alcoholism
Here's the really interesting part for us alcoholics: “The stronger effect in participants with close alcoholic relatives suggests that the release of dopamine in response to such alcohol-related cues may be an inherited risk factor for alcoholism, Dr …
Alcohol Use May Boost Food Intake
Filed under: alcohol alcoholism
Breslow is a nutritional epidemiologist at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and was the lead author of the study. She had previously been part of a study that found drinkers tend to have a less healthy diet than teetotalers. Her …
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