Dr. Roach: Reader's Pain Lingers After Compression Fracture

Symptoms Of Alcoholism in the News

Dr. Roach: Reader's pain lingers after compression fracture
Filed under: symptoms of alcoholism

And clearly, it is affecting you, since you are having some symptoms there. It's just as reasonable to ask someone to stop burning incense as it is to ask someone to stop smoking when you are in the same room with them. Dear Dr. Roach: Is alcoholism a …


National alcohol screening Thursday
Filed under: symptoms of alcoholism

Alcohol abuse can often occur with other mental health issues and can exacerbate the symptoms of illnesses such as depression and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Alcohol is often used to "medicate" these disorders but, being a depressant itself, …


Are you an alcoholic?

Students reactions to their results in a ’20 questions to see if you are an alcoholic’ quiz.


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