Kidney Disease Symptoms: How Much Does a Kidney Disease Test Cost?
Question by Kathy: How much does a kidney disease test cost?
… When you do not have health insurance?
Around two years ago, when I had insurance, I went to the doctors for a routine check up because my high school told me to. While there, I decided to tell him that I urinate frequently hoping that I may get some medication for it as it disrupts my life. Curious, he started to question me about it and a few other things and after my mother and I answered all of his questions, he told me that I may be diabetic or that I could be in the throes of kidney failure. He proceeded to inform my mother of a place where I could get tested. One week later, my family lost our health insurance and have not been able to get it back, as we cannot afford it and the “free” ones are denying us. Obviously, I was unable to get tested for the possible kidney disease but I have been afraid ever since then.
In addition, my father (and one of my older half-sisters) is diabetic. He has one of those glucose tests, and me and my siblings (not the diabetic sister) liked to do it for fun when we would visit him. One time when I did it, my dad looked at the result and he looked really worried but he didn’t say anything, didn’t even tell me the result like he did my siblings. So if anyone knows how much a diabetes test would cost without insurance as well, I would appreciate it. But the kidney disease is more… severe I suppose, so I’m more worried about it.
If it matters, here are some of my “symptoms”: frequent urination (including at night, disrupting my sleeping patters), frequent yeast infections (even as a young child, according to my mother), I’m always tired, occasionally I taste blood in my mouth even when it’s not there, I am thirsty and hungry very often, slow healing cuts and bruises, sometimes I feel as if I cannot get enough air, etc.
Thanks in advance, sorry for the long read.
Best answer:
Answer by Anne W
neither will cost alot. they kidney thing can be checked with a urinalysis test. which can be as little as $ 50-100 from a laboratory. the doctors visit to get that test on the other hand. im unsure.
the gluose (or what your calling the diabetes) test can be done on your sister or dads monitor. fast for 8 hours and then do it. its should be less than 110. your dad probably had that look because you had just ate something. i wouldnt really be worried about either, if you had a kidney problem, most likely your urine would be all kinds of colors.
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