Ways That Hair Loss Can Be Affected by Your Diet

Ways That Hair Loss Can Be Affected By Your Diet
Filed under: Alcoholism

Healthy eating plays a role in hair loss, even though it can be caused by a wide variety of other factors. Oftentimes, hair loss is a genetic predisposition. If that is the case for you, changing your diet will not help. If you can, you should try to minimize hair loss as much as possible. Genetic h


Obesity Help Announces Keynote Speaker for 2013 National Conference
Filed under: Alcoholism

This pleases MM. Very much so. I might have suggested Dr. Sharma. Thanks, OH for taking the suggestions from the community. We like change. ______________________________ Obesity Help – ObesityHelp, the leading weight loss surgery support community, announced today that Dr. Arya Sharma, world-renown


Magical/supernatural/religious thinking is an affliction.
Filed under: Alcoholism

I saw a bunch of posts going back and forth on Facebook. The topic was regarding so-called verbal insults of atheists against religious people. And the argument was that there are lots of religious moderates and while lots of terrible things have been done by religious people, some (or even most) re


Is food truly addictive?
Filed under: Alcoholism

Biological Psychiatry is proud to announce this week’s publication of a special issue focusing on the question of food as an addiction. Addiction is the continued or compulsive use of a substance, despite negative and/or harmful consequences. Over the years, addiction has come to be re-defined to in


Kovic’s words still resonate
Filed under: Alcoholism

The murderous and mendacious policies followed by the US Government since 9/11, magnified since the start of the Iraq/Afghan wars, makes Ron Kovic’s words prescient. But, at the official level, or even at the public level, has anyone learned any lessons? Apparently not. Most Americans still seem ver


BVPDUMC Street play on anti-tobacco and anti-Alcoholism

this is a street play by the 3rd yr students in the slums of Ambelodha,Pune on the occasion of World Population day organized by Community Medicine Departmen…


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