Alcoholism: Dayleen Van Ryswyk’s Controversial Comments: Untactful? Yes. but Are They Really Racist?

Dayleen Van Ryswyk’s Controversial Comments: Untactful? Yes. But are they Really Racist?
Filed under: Alcoholism

Not even one day into the BC election campaign and already there was a controversy in the headlines about a politician proverbially putting her foot in her mouth. On an online discussion thread entitled, “Strip them of the Status Card”, Dayleen Van Ryswyk, an NDP candidate running for the MLA seat i


I can’t stay strong anymore, please help me?
Filed under: Alcoholism

Asked: I can’t stay strong anymore, please help me? I’m only 13. When I had just turned 9, my grandpa died, and my dad turned to alcohol. I’m not going to go into depth because it hurts too much. I stayed strong till a couple months ago. I cant do this anymore- the faking smiles, the telling my frie


True Obsession
Filed under: Alcoholism

I recently read an article about a man who tortured (and ultimately killed) another man. The article began with mentioning that the killer was obsessed with The Loved Ones – an Aussie horror film in which someone is kidnapped and tortured. This has no doubt kicked over the already buzzing hornets’ n


Alcohol Digital
Filed under: Alcoholism

How much does a digital alcohol breath analyzer cost? One of my friends is hostel warden and suspect alcoholism in the premises. He wants a handy device with which he can catch the culprits. How much does it cost to buy a digital alcohol breath analyzer? I just found them as low as $ 75 on […]





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