Withdraw by Mahogany Cherrelle

Withdraw By Mahogany Cherrelle

The truth is that the drugs in our communities are killing us the same way the food on our table is. The same food we feed to our children. The difference is…


Pat Summerall (1930-2013): Legendary sportscaster 'set standard'
Filed under: effects of alcoholism

Summerall always insisted that no matter how much he drank, he never felt the effects the next morning. … “Alcoholism is a progressive disease, and the damage to his liver reached the point where a transplant is the only option for survival,” she said.


The Tragic Curse of Alcohol Abuse
Filed under: effects of alcoholism

Alcohol's numbing effects eventually reach the receptors that receive serotonin. This causes the absorbed amount of serotonin to drop dramatically below normal. At low levels in the blood, alcohol tends to lift spirits and causes individuals to become …


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