Be Aware of Testicular Cancer

Symptoms And Diagnosis in the News

Be aware of testicular cancer
Filed under: symptoms and diagnosis

That means being aware of the risk factors, the symptoms and the need for both regular exams with your doctor and self-exams. Risk factors for testicular cancer include: Age. Testicular cancer is … Testicular cancer is rare in black men, but black …


Mich. university joins Lou Gehrig's clinical trial – USA Today
Filed under: symptoms and diagnosis

Two years ago, he was sitting with his coat draped over his arms on an exam table when a doctor gave him the diagnosis, and told him he had three, maybe five, years left. Only the sound of his doctor washing her hands at the tiny sink broke the …


Mesothelioma Cancer Survivor – Willie

Telecast of Nancy Parker From Fox 8. Amazing story of how Willie beat the normally fatal disease of Asbestos Cancer. He wants to provide hope to others who are diagnosed with Mesothelioma…


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