I Live With an Alcoholic Help for People Impacted by Alcoholism
I Live With An Alcoholic Help For People Impacted By Alcoholism
http://www.ChrisQueen.com/CB/DRUGFREE55/yt Finally Tried, Tested and Proven Help for Those Who Live With An Alcoholic. Reveals How to Get Control of Your Lif…
Serbia massacre puts spotlight on Balkan vet woes
Filed under: alcohol symptoms
Thousands of former fighters have experienced symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder — or PTSD — including anger and depression; many have turned to alcohol and drugs; in the worst cases they take their own lives or commit violence against those …
IBS victims suffer in silence
Filed under: alcohol symptoms
Typical symptoms: Can include abdominal pain, cramping, bloating and changes in bowel habits, from sudden onset diarrhea to constipation. Symptoms are usually … Avoid drinking too many high-sugar beverages, caffeine and alcohol. Avoid carbonated …
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