Oscar Revisionism: 1952

Oscar Revisionism: 1952
Filed under: Alcoholism

In 1952, a circus spectacle ( The Greatest Show on Earth) beat a turn-of-the-century Paris drama ( Moulin Rouge), a fish out of water comedy/drama set in Ireland ( The Quiet Man), a western ( High Noon), and a period English adventure ( Ivanhoe). But, what if there had been ten nominees that year fo


Filed under: Alcoholism

BEHAVIOR THERAPY Konsep Dasar Konsep dasar yang dipakai oleh Behavior Therapy adalah belajar. Belajar yang dimaksud adalah perubahan tingkah laku yang disebabkan bukan karena kematangan. Teori Belajar yang dipakai dalam pendekatan ini sebagai aplikasi dari percobaan-percobaan tingkah laku dalaam lab


My encounter with Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twai (updated)
Filed under: Alcoholism

by Jamie Lutton I have been dodging The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn for forty years…though it was written over a hundred years ago, and set in the South before the Civil War. The problems the child Huck faces come too close to home for me. A thousand reviews of this book are written every year,


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