Road to 'Drunkorexia'

Binge Alcoholic in the News

Road to 'Drunkorexia'
Filed under: binge alcoholic

Students who had vomited or used laxatives in the previous month to shed pounds were 76 percent more likely to binge drink. Daniella Sieukaran, a clinical psychology graduate student at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, was already convinced …


Looking at Lincoln's health stats
Filed under: binge alcoholic

Our southern neighbor, Pike County, where alcoholic beverages are legal, earned the same statistics as Lincoln in the binge or excessive drinking category – 10 percent. However, Lincoln's neighbor to the north, Copiah, another wet county, was reported …


Mayor Rob Ford needs to explain his erratic behaviour: DiManno
Filed under: binge alcoholic

That doesn't render the story less credible. Editors know the identity of the sources cited. And what was reported is only the tip of what's been rumoured. I have no idea if Ford is a problem drinker or a binge drinker or a secretive drinker or a …


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