State K of C Poster Winners Announced

Alcohol Abuse Posters in the News

State K of C poster winners announced
Filed under: alcohol abuse posters

SALT LAKE CITY — This year the Utah Knights of Columbus Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest recipients were from all over the state. Dax McPartland, a parishioner of Holy Family Catholic Church in Ogden, won first place in the Age 8-11 Alcohol …


The many horrible reasons why men rape women
Filed under: alcohol abuse posters

It's a question that was supposed to have been settled back in the 1980s: Rape is about violence and power, not sex. … It featured all the usual asinine rituals that no doubt still accompany such parties: chanting mobs urging women to take off their …


Gruesome, controversial anti-drinking posters cause a stir
Filed under: alcohol abuse posters

One thing's for sure, students certainly have people thinking about alcohol abuse. Considering the staggering numbers, maybe that's not such a bad thing. An estimated 90 per cent of Canadian university students drink alcohol while 32 per cent drink …


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