Preventing Alcohol Abuse: Mass. High Court Rules Father Can't Use Restraining Order to Block 16-Year-Old …
Preventing Alcohol Abuse in the News
Mass. high court rules father can't use restraining order to block 16-year-old …
Filed under: preventing alcohol abuse
The state's highest court said today that a father cannot block an adult from having consensual sex with his 16-year-old daughter by getting a restraining order of the type aimed at preventing domestic violence between intimate partners. … Two judges …
Mayor Removes Political Opponents from Town Committee; Appoints Wife
Filed under: preventing alcohol abuse
The agenda for the March 12 Town Council meeting included a resolution to be considered by the council this Tuesday to consent to the mayor's appointment of his wife, Brenda Boch Barberio, to the committee, which focuses on preventing drug abuse in the …
Zambia: Churches call for post-election calm
Filed under: preventing alcohol abuse
We pray that the new constitution, which is being drafted, will provide for mechanisms that will prevent unnecessary by-elections. In fact, we believe that the efficacy and legitimacy of the … where drunken, violent and unrepentant cadres come from …
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