Alcohol Abuse: Beer Goggles: How Alcohol Disrupts the Brain
Beer Goggles: How Alcohol Disrupts the Brain
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
Anyone who’s failed a sobriety test will tell you that making coordinated movements while drunk is hard, and a new study explains why. Alcohol appears to disrupt connections between the brain’s visual and muscle control regions.
Huge turnout at Highland Park High School alcohol forum
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
HIGHLAND PARK — The huge teen turnout Monday night for a parent-sponsored forum on alcohol use was quickly explained when a curious reporter asked Highland Park High School’s principal if extra-credit incentives had been offered. A smile came over Brad Swanson’s face. But instead of extra credit, the HPHS principal had made attendance a condition for attending prom. “I know tonight is a …
Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Drug and Alcohol Abuse (Art Class Extra Credit) This video was made for my Art Appreciation class as my extra credit. No need to view this video. BUT if you …
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