Tuberculosis Symptoms: Learning Lessons From Grand Forks' TB Epidemic
Tuberculosis Symptoms in the News
Learning lessons from Grand Forks' TB epidemic
Filed under: tuberculosis symptoms
As demonstrated by several of the confirmed cases, a variety of tests are often needed to confirm a patient has active TB, according to Hargreaves, an infectious disease expert at Altru Health System in Grand Forks. A patient may present symptoms, but …
Cal Poly Students Warned of Possible TB Exposure — Christina Pascucci Reports
Filed under: tuberculosis symptoms
“I was a little worried. TB is serious,” student Tanner Clark says. The symptoms include chest pain and persistent coughing. Cal Poly officials say since fall, the infected student has taken physics, engineering, computer science and women's studies …
Rebecca Siambawati: Cervical cancer survivor
Filed under: tuberculosis symptoms
Her husband passed away in 1998 due to tuberculosis though he had been living with HIV for quite some time. After he died, Rebecca noticed a persistent rash on her body which gave her suspicions she could be HIV-positive … In the year 2000, she was …
Nigeria needs 'greater awareness' about malaria related maternal deaths
Filed under: tuberculosis symptoms
The mosquito-borne infectious disease is a big problem in Nigeria, he said, with more deaths attributed to malaria than HIV, leprosy and tuberculosis combined. There are simple measures for controlling malaria in pregnancy already … Women are …
Fighting To Stop Tuberculosis
Every 20 seconds, someone dies from tuberculosis (TB), yet it’s been over 40 years since a new TB drug has been approved for use. Why? Because doing so wasn’…
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