Break Out the Brains: Students Learn Neuroscience at National Museum of Health

National Alcohol Abuse in the News

Break out the brains: students learn neuroscience at National Museum of Health
Filed under: national alcohol abuse

“Alcohol and the Developing Brain” used a chicken-wire brain with flashing lights to illustrate neuron connections in a normal brain and different flashes to show the effects of alcohol on the brain. Scientists and staff members from local science …


Glenbard Parent Series: 'What Are They Thinking? Alcohol and Adolescent Brain
Filed under: national alcohol abuse

White is an author and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, program director for underage and college drinking prevention research. Before the 7 p.m. workshop, join us at 6:30 p.m. for a “Let's Talk:” parent-to-parent, drop-in …


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