Concerns Raised Over How Drug Testing Bill Would Affect Bush Alaska
Alcoholism Drugs in the News
Concerns Raised Over How Drug Testing Bill Would Affect Bush Alaska
Filed under: alcoholism drugs
The measure would require a person seeking public assistance to sign a sworn statement that nobody in their household uses illegal drugs or abuses alcohol. If a recipient is suspected of lying, the state can test the person as part of their …
Joint responsibility principle still invalid for war on drugs in Belarus
Filed under: alcoholism drugs
The implementation of the state program for complex measures to combat drugs abuse, illegal turnover of drugs, and related crimes in 2009-2013 was mentioned as well as the establishment of the interagency council to prevent abuse of alcohol, alcoholism …
Can Acetate-Like Drugs Support Sobriety?
Filed under: alcoholism drugs
The brains of long-term, heavy drinkers have twice the capacity to take up and metabolize acetate as those of light drinkers, a finding that may have implications for treatment of alcohol problems, new research suggests. When consumed, alcohol is …
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