Help! I Want My Ex to Officiate at My Second Wedding.
Behavior Of Alcoholics in the News
Help! I Want My Ex to Officiate at My Second Wedding.
Filed under: behavior of alcoholics
A: You're married to an alcoholic. He is unwilling to recognize this because the most he's capable of doing is "cutting back" on his ruinous behavior. Even if he won't go to Alcoholics Anonymous, you should go to Al-Anon for support from other people …
Irvington cop's gangsta rap-style videos spark investigation
Filed under: behavior of alcoholics
He and three fellow off-duty officers spout homophobic slurs rap about alcoholics,gay bashing and violence. At one point, Gat calls himself “a felon for life” and warns other rappers they may have to meet his Smith and Wesson, … The Irvington Police …
Community Calendar
Filed under: behavior of alcoholics
Alcoholics Anonymous is held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 p.m. at the Merkel House, next to Trinity Episcopal Church, 203 S. Carney St. anyone with the desire to stop drinking is welcome to attend. Narcotics Anonymous is held every Tuesday …
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