Statistics for Alcoholism: Minimum Pricing, Maximum Confusion: Should Governments Fix the Price of

Statistics For Alcoholism in the News

Minimum Pricing, Maximum Confusion: Should Governments Fix The Price Of
Filed under: statistics for alcoholism

We don't know. What we do know is that the large decrease in deaths attributable to a 10 percent increase in price is – rather perplexingly – not reflected in the overall statistics for alcohol-related death kept by British Columbia. What is one to …


£14m benefits given to alcoholics every year
Filed under: statistics for alcoholism

"Several aspects must be taken into account when analysing these statistics, not least of which is that almost one-third of the population of Belfast live in the constituency, therefore, of course, it would be reflected in the higher number of benefit …


Natalia Antonova
Filed under: statistics for alcoholism

According to official statistics following the latest census, the average life expectancy for a Russian man is 64.3 years. Russia currently has one of the largest lifespan gender disparities in the world, with women living for 76.1 years on average …


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