Alcohol Abuse: Report: Alcohol Abuse Takes $6.8 Billion Toll –

Report: Alcohol abuse takes .8 billion toll –
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse


Report: Alcohol abuse takes $ 6.8 billion toll
From court costs, to health care, to loss of productivity on the job, officials say they have a plan to try to fix the problem. “There's alcohol everywhere you go in this state,” said Paul Krupski of Health First Wisconsin. Krupski is calling on state
Report: Alcohol abuse costs $ 6.8 billion in Wis., $ 105 million in La Crosse CountyThe Courier Life News
Alcohol abuse costs county $ 63.5 millionRicelakeonline
Alcohol abuse costs state $ 6.8 billionSuperior Telegram
WGBA-TV –Fond du Lac Reporter
all 31 news articles »



Stop the Party After Head Injury – dailyRx
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Stop the Party After Head Injury
The results of the study showed that substance abuse was common for the first 30 days after injury. Alcohol abuse was common for up to six months after injury. The researchers recommend that healthcare providers screen for substance abuse in the month



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