Wisconsin Alcohol Abuse Takes $6.8 Billion Toll – Pioneer Press

Wisconsin alcohol abuse takes .8 billion toll – Pioneer Press
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse


Wisconsin alcohol abuse takes $ 6.8 billion toll
Pioneer Press
A new report says abuse of alcohol in Wisconsin costs the state an estimated $ 6.8 billion a year in health care, lost productivity, crime and premature death. The study by the non-profit organization Health First Wisconsin says excessive drinking
Report: Excessive alcohol consumption costs Wisconsin $ 6.8 billion a yearWDJT
Advocates: Sobriety checkpoints needed to cut down on excessive drinkingGreen Bay Press Gazette
Wisconsin binge drinking exacts $ 6.8 billion toll, new report saysMilwaukee Journal Sentinel

all 10 news articles »



Report: Alcohol abuse costs .8 billion in Wis., 5 million in La Crosse County – La Crosse Tribune
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Report: Alcohol abuse costs $ 6.8 billion in Wis., $ 105 million in La Crosse County
La Crosse Tribune
The report, which broke the 2011 costs down to $ 1,200 for every man, woman and child, presented the first chronicle of the economic impact of alcohol abuse in the state, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse professor Jeremy Arney said at a La Crosse news



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