Ann Leary’s Alcoholism a Best-Selling Inspiration – CBS News
Ann Leary’s alcoholism a best-selling inspiration – CBS News
Filed under: Alcoholism
Ann Leary's alcoholism a best-selling inspiration
CBS News Ann Leary's new New York Times best-selling novel "The Good House," explores a woman's journey with alcoholism. It's Ann Leary's third book. The main character is a 60-year-old alcoholic named Hildy. "She's a very successful real estate broker and … |
Alcoholism Research and Neuroimaging: Implications for Treatment – Psychiatric Times
Filed under: Alcoholism
Alcoholism Research and Neuroimaging: Implications for Treatment
Psychiatric Times It has been written that the field of alcoholism research is at a watershed, and that advances in basic molecular research await translation into important new clinical insights. Here to shed some light in this area is John Matochik, PhD. Dr Matochik … |
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