A Change of Views Changes Lives

Alcoholism And Treatment in the News

A change of views changes lives
Filed under: alcoholism and treatment

In addition, he introduced a local alcohol tax. "This provided us with funds for treatment," he said. "Over time the city had become a much more pleasant place to live, a lot of it due to this plan." After a stint as the state director of the Division …


'Bill W. and Dr. Bob' an eye-opener on alcoholism
Filed under: alcoholism and treatment

For instance, two main things in “Bill W. and Dr. Bob” are: alcoholism is a disease and not a choice; the only cure is for an alcoholic to be able to talk to another alcoholic. “Those are two huge things,” said Maxwell, who plays Dr. Bob in the show …


Treatment for alcoholism 'would save thousands'
Filed under: alcoholism and treatment

At the moment less than 10% of people dependent on alcohol in the EU are offered treatment with cognitive/behavioural therapy or drugs, but boosting that to 40 per cent would save 11,700 lives each year, according to a paper published in European …


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