Alcohol Abuse Information: Malawi to Restrict Alcohol Consumption: Journalists Persuaded to Report on Abuses
Alcohol Abuse Information in the News
Malawi to restrict alcohol consumption: Journalists persuaded to report on abuses
Filed under: alcohol abuse information
Drug Fight Malawi (DFM) and the Malawi Alcohol Policy Alliance (MAPA) have beckoned Malawian journalists to intensify their reporting on alcohol abuse and its harmful effects which deter the country's socio- economic development. … representatives of …
Lawyer Says Lohan Committed To Turning Life Around
Filed under: alcohol abuse information
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Lindsay Lohan is committed to turning her life around and wants to record public service announcements on the dangers of domestic violence, alcohol abuse and drunken driving, her attorney said Wednesday. Mark Heller told The …
Hallucinogenic salvia remains in legal limbo
Filed under: alcohol abuse information
“Health Canada continues to survey the prevalence of salvia and available information on these substances that have the potential for abuse and harm, especially among young Canadians," he added. Salvia is already illegal in a number of countries around …
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