Council Looks to End Homelessness by 2020

How To Deal With Alcoholics in the News

Council looks to end homelessness by 2020
Filed under: how to deal with alcoholics

Stephanie Cook says there has been some discussion of a wet-hostel over the past few years as a way of providing a home for alcoholics living on the streets. She says the solution is part of a range of ideas being considered to deal with housing issues …


Drug court coming soon
Filed under: how to deal with alcoholics

According to the National Institute of Justice, a drug court is a specialized or problem-solving court-based program that targets criminal offenders and parents with child welfare cases who have alcohol and other drug addictions and dependency problems …


How to deal with a competitive sufferer
Filed under: how to deal with alcoholics

It's the modus operandi of Alcoholics Anonymous, as well as countless support groups for people who are grieving, raising disabled kids or coping with Alzheimer's. There are, however, ways of sharing the pain that are not helpful. There's a big …


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