Help for Families of Alcoholics: How Can One Truly Tell if Another Is an Alcoholic? What Is a Functioning Alcoholic?
Question by Addicted to Yahoo! Answers: How can one truly tell if another is an alcoholic? What is a functioning alcoholic?
I’m looking for answers beside the obvious if someone is getting drunk all the time to the point of dependence.
Best answer:
Answer by childrenrthefuture
“The functioning alcoholic is the alcoholic who can hold down a job, pursue a career or care for children while continuing his or her alcoholism. Some can do these things successfully, but how well do they handle the other functions in living? How do they function in the role of spouse, parent, driver, financial manager and community volunteer? His job or profession isn’t his only function in life.”
If they are always drinking as soon as they get home, and it is more than social drinking, they are an alcoholic. A functioning alcoholic is just someone who can function in life and still be an alcoholic. It isn’t a matter of getting drunk all the time, it is a matter of always drinking. Of relying on the drink to unwind from the day, or to deal with a problem, or just to get through the day. Drinking is supposed to be a social thing, once it goes beyond social and they are drinking alone, there is a problem.
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