Alcohol Abuse: Alcohol Abuse May Be Worsening Among Aborigines, Warns Gillard – South China Morning Post

Alcohol abuse may be worsening among Aborigines, warns Gillard – South China Morning Post
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Sky News Australia

Alcohol abuse may be worsening among Aborigines, warns Gillard
South China Morning Post
Alcohol and pornography bans were a key plank of the so-called “Intervention” in the Northern Territory in 2007, when troops were sent in by the former conservative government following claims of child abuse and neglect. The new NT government
Progress lagging on life expectancy gapYahoo!7 News
PM warns Qld, NT on alcohol abuseSydney Morning Herald
Call for new focus on indigenous jailingHerald Sun –ABC Online –Brisbane Times
all 26 news articles »



EDITORIAL: Women abusing alcohol – Newcastle Herald
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

The Canberra Times

EDITORIAL: Women abusing alcohol
Newcastle Herald
Australia's National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre has found women are drinking earlier and more of them are developing symptoms of alcohol abuse. In the UK last month it was reported that career women were dying from alcohol-related disease at a
Women now abusing alcohol at similar levels to menThe Canberra Times
Women abusing alcohol at younger ageNinemsn

all 3 news articles »



Childhood Emotional Abuse Dramatically Strong Among Male Alcohol … – Science Daily (press release)
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Childhood Emotional Abuse Dramatically Strong Among Male Alcohol
Science Daily (press release)
Feb. 5, 2013 — Individuals who drink excessively or are alcohol dependent (AD) have reduced central serotonergic neurotransmission, which can have an impact on planning, judgment, self-control, and emotional regulation. Childhood maltreatment has also

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