Alcoholism: Feeling Shame About Past Alcoholism May Increase Likelihood of Relapse, Other … –

Feeling shame about past alcoholism may increase likelihood of relapse, other … –
Filed under: Alcoholism

Feeling shame about past alcoholism may increase likelihood of relapse, other
Feeling shame about past alcoholism may increase likelihood of relapse, other health problems. Published on February 6, 2013 at 4:26 AM · No Comments. Tweet. Feeling shame about past instances of problem drinking may increase the likelihood of



Gillard warns on Aboriginal alcoholism – News24
Filed under: Alcoholism

Gillard warns on Aboriginal alcoholism
Gillard warns on Aboriginal alcoholism. 2013-02-06 12:00. Pin It. Two Aboriginal men walk through the front yard of a property in the Aboriginal housing area of Roebourne in the north of Western Australia. (Greg Wood, AFP). Multimedia · User Galleries

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Researchers: Shame leads to alcohol relapse –
Filed under: Alcoholism

Researchers: Shame leads to alcohol relapse
To predict whether an alcohol abuser or someone with the disease of alcoholism will hit the bottle again, ignore what they say and watch their body language for displays of shame, a University of British Columbia study finds. The University introduced
Body language can help predict relapse in newly sober drinkersGlobal Edmonton
UBC study suggests addictions 'may come from shame'Toronto Star
Body Language that Displays Shame Predicts Drinking ProblemsCounsel & Heal

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