Alcoholism Counseling: New Treatment Offered for DUI Offenders
Alcoholism Counseling in the News
New treatment offered for DUI offenders
Filed under: alcoholism counseling
A little more than a year ago, the department received a $ 30,440 grant from the Wisconsin Bureau of Prevention, Treatment and Recovery that allows selected offenders to be treated medically for alcoholism, receive counseling, and sometimes be given …
Maryland bill would broaden standards for commitment of mentally ill
Filed under: alcoholism counseling
He is also looking at ways to address gaps in insurance coverage for counseling and other services. He has also … For Hough, the issue of mental health touches a personal nerve; his father committed suicide amid struggles with depression and alcoholism.
Diamond Counseling – Freehold, NJ
Diamond Counseling 732-462-7877 diamond-counseling-etgvl8zma-7324627877.flv
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