Help for Alcoholics: Tisch Presents 4-Part Series at St. Andrew's
Help For Alcoholics in the News
Tisch presents 4-part series at St. Andrew's
Filed under: help for alcoholics
According to Seamons, the goal of the series is to give the community a better understanding of the role that genetics and the environment play, and how people can help and protect themselves. "Drugs and alcohol are kind of an epidemic in our society, …
Area meetings and events calendar
Filed under: help for alcoholics
Call 439-6681 for information. Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 p.m., basement at St. John's Episcopal Church, Cambridge. Open discussion meeting. Narcotics Anonymous, 7 p.m., St. Paul's CME Church, 410 Wall Ave., Cambridge. Haven of Hope victim's support …
Living in the grip of alcohol
Filed under: help for alcoholics
Julie Rogers has been working in the addiction field for 12 years, helping people who are hooked on alcohol. Ms Rogers, who works with the charity Foundation 66, says problem drinking is a complex and incredibly difficult behaviour to break. No two …
Brockton-based recovery high school marks first year
Filed under: help for alcoholics
Melillo, the principal, and Carpenter, board chair, have been pleased with first-year successes, including hosting student-run Alcoholics Anonymous meetings twice a week and serving as the host of the family-support group Learn to Cope. “We've got a …
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