Internet Addicts Face Constant Temptation, Skeptics

Signs And Symptoms Of Addiction in the News

Internet addicts face constant temptation, skeptics
Filed under: signs and symptoms of addiction

Hilarie Cash, co-founder of reStart, an internet addiction recovery centre in Fall City, Wash., looks at 12 signs and symptoms when diagnosing internet addiction. If you answer yes to five or more, Cash suggests you may have a problem. Increased …


Who is Bernie Kosar's doctor and what does he say about curing brain trauma?
Filed under: signs and symptoms of addiction

Kosar, a beloved Cleveland sports figure, wants the world to know that the doctor has cured his sleeplessness, headaches and slurred speech — symptoms that, he said, are a result of repeated hits and concussions sustained during a 12-year NFL career.


8 Signs You're Addicted To Gambling
Filed under: signs and symptoms of addiction

Another four to six million Americans are “problem gamblers” who display some of the symptoms pathological gamblers do. Potential problems from gambling go beyond financial. Untreated, addiction can lead to legal problems, family and relationship …


HEALTHline: Addiction & GAADS – Part 3

HEALTHline welcomes back guest, Scott Robertson, the director at GAADS (Glendale Adventist Alcohol and Drug Services) to discuss the signs and symptoms of addiction. Join Gregory and Jennifer to find out more about addiction, helping someone through their addiction, and answering your questions.


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