Do We Speak Up or Shut Up When Politicians Start Looking Different?
Alcoholism Is A Disease in the News
Do we speak up or shut up when politicians start looking different?
Filed under: alcoholism is a disease
But then, only a few weeks after the interview with Mr. Dimbleby, Charles Kennedy called a hasty press conference and announced that he would be seeking treatment for alcoholism, acknowledging that it had impaired his abilities. Under pressure from MPs …
World-renowned art historian and former V&A chief died in squalor after secret …
Filed under: alcoholism is a disease
'He had a history of depression and alcoholism', said assistant deputy coroner Jean Harkin. 'He was referred to the … Ms Harkin recorded a verdict of death by natural causes after hearing Mr Parkinson, of Tooting, had suffered from coronary artery …
Filed under: alcoholism is a disease
Alcoholism is a disease. Richard Gakunju of the Movement Against Substance Abuse says many Kenyans suffer from it but don't seek help because they don't consider it a medical problem. Gakunju says that you can call the NACADA Helpline number 1192 …
How to Get Away From Alcohol Addiction
Alcoholism is a disease and it is a deadly disease if it is not treated. It can also lead to other serious health problems such as liver damage, kidney failure, breakups of families and even death. Visit for More Details:
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