Binge Drinking Can Dramatically Amplify Damage to the Liver

Binge drinking can dramatically amplify damage to the liver
Filed under: Alcoholism

A new review examines studies addressing the effects of binge drinking on the liver. Binge consumption of alcohol is implicated in the pathophysiology of ALD. Binge drinking alters the levels of several cellular components and dramatically amplifies liver injury in the chronically alcohol-exposed liver.


Chris Rattue: An addiction that shows no mercy
Filed under: Alcoholism

Far be it for me to definitively diagnose Zac Guildford from afar, but a string of alcohol-related incidents indicate the young All Black has a serious problem with the firewater.Who knows – he may be an alcoholic. After painstaking…


Lower drinking ages can have an impact on later drinking patterns
Filed under: Alcoholism

( Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research ) Lower minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) laws have been associated with short-term effects such as more traffic fatalities and teen suicides.A new study has investigated the long-term and persistent effects of permissive MLDA laws.Findings support an association with problematic drinking behaviors that persist into later adulthood, such as more …


Will proposed DSM-5 changes to assessment of alcohol problems do any better?
Filed under: Alcoholism

( Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research ) The upcoming fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders will likely change the criteria used to assess alcohol problems. One proposed change would collapse the two diagnoses of alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence into a single diagnosis called alcohol use disorder.Analysis indicates these changes are unlikely to …


Part 2: Paula Abdul: Dissed by Am Idol. Stalker fan suicide. Addiction?

PART 2 OF 2. From 4-23-09. I’m surprised they left out the footage where she mistakenly gave critiques to 2 performances when the 2nd performance hadn’t occurred yet. She explained that it was based on rehearsals, which the judges watch.


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